uCoz Sources

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uCoz web-services


uNet is a new social network launched by the uCoz developers On April 1, 2009 , since uCoz became a part of it allot of useful and interesting updates that occured in this time line , one of them is the "uID" , this is a unique identifier that will allow you to login in almost all the uCoz websites without having a registration before you can login , but this will only work if you registered a uNet account.

Another interesting and handy feature in uNet is your "WebTop" , this will allow you to create and manage your website , profile data and much more! now one of the more handy things in uNet is the "User Bar" wich will allow you to interact with uCoz websites better then before , you will get an easy PM or Private Message notification from all uCoz websites that you registered in the passt, This will also allow you to view comment , blogs news etc etc , much easy'er as before.

Link shortening

U.TO is a new url shortening service that uCoz launched u.to on April 16 2010 , this is an easy and useful new uCoz service that is integrated in all the uCoz websites. Through the use of the service reduction options you get a short alternative URL, which is not only easier to use, but also much easier to remember. Also, the service can be useful in terms of SEO, since its use reduces the number of inbound links to your site. In addition, use of abbreviations reduces the possibility of errors in the transmission links, because it is often enough if you copy the long link to make a mistake on one or two characters, and a link will be broken.

Convenient SMS services

We are happy to announce that it is possible to enable SMS services on uCoz websites now!

Following uCoz traditions, we have come up with an easy-to-use and quick setting of SMS services right in the Control panel. You do not need to create codes. Everything is ready. All you need is set it up to your needs.

Customized browsers from uCoz

"We do not make a secret out of the fact, that we recommend to use Firefox browser. At some point we have decided to create Special customized browser packages. Not to recommend a browser and some additional features to it, but to provide users with a ready tool."

Evgeny Kurt
Managing Partner of uCoz

uToolbar is a Firefox add-on for webmasters who work with the free website builder uCoz. It includes buttons that provide easier and safer authorization on uCoz websites and allow moving of Admin Bar/User Bar to the toolbar.

uCoz Free Website Builder

uCoz is a project called to help anyone who wishes to create his/her own Website. An existing site can be made more rich and interesting by expanding it with new capabilities in a very easy way. No professional experience in Web design is required and all offered services are FREE!

The possibility of PHP, MySQL (third-party data bases) and API usage.

All content modules can be adapted for different tasks. For example, Site Catalog can be arranged and adapted as a catalog of goods, recipes, articles etc. Photo Albums can be used to make a very good wallpapers catalog with all necessary features. The name of each module just describes its preconfigured purpose and functionality.